분류 전체보기426 [Daily] 0215(화) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : I'd like to find a cheap yet nice downtown apartment. M : That's eaiser said than done. W : I know, but do you have any tips? M : You should check sosical media groups. W : Oh, I hadn't thought of that. M : You'll have more luck there than with realtors. W : I knew you'd point me in the right direction. M : Well, I'm happy to help. 📌 오늘의 단어 be easier said than done. : 말은 쉽다, 말처럼 쉽지 .. 2022. 2. 15. [Daily] 0214(월) 📌 오늘의 회화 M : I'm the only one of our friends who isn't married yet. W : All in good time. M : I know, but it gets me down sometimes. W : It's not something you should rush, though. M : To be honest, I though my last girlfriend was the one. W : No, you guys weren't meant to be. M : I guess I just need to be patient then. W : Yeah, You'll find the right girl eventually. 📌 오늘의 단어 All in good time :.. 2022. 2. 14. [Daily] 0213(일) 📌 오늘의 회화 주간 복습 📌 오늘의 단어 rate : 속도 flick : (손가락 등으로) 튀기다[털다] leaden : 납빛의, 탁한 획색의 appropriation : 도용 clad in : ~한 옷을 입은 pillage : 약탈하다 slam : 혹평하다 2022. 2. 13. [Daily] 0212(토) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : Hey, what are you doing here in the library? M : I'm just killing time. W : Do you have something to do later? M : Yeah, I have a dentist appointment at 4. W : Oh, the dentist just across the road? M : That's right. How do you know that place? W : I go to the same one! M : Really? What are the chances? 📌 오늘의 단어 kill time : 시간을 때우다 What are the chances? : 어떻게 이런 우연이 있지? contender : 도.. 2022. 2. 13. [Daily] 0211(금) 📌 오늘의 회화 M : Our Frech clients are requesting a new deal. W : Are they tough negotiators? M : Yeah, they like to play hardball. W : How are you going to handle it? M : I think I'll need to fly over to their office. W : Can't you just discuss it by phone or E-mail? M : I think I should deal with this in person. W : I guess you might get better results that way. 📌 오늘의 단어 play hardball : 아주 세게 나오다,.. 2022. 2. 13. [Daily] 0210(목) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : Are you going to accept the company's salary offer? M : No, I'm standing my ground. W : How much are you asking for? M : At least 10k more than they're offering. W : I hope they give in eventually. M : I have a feeling that they will. W : You deserve a big increase for the work you do. M : Thanks. I'm glad someone appreciates me. 📌 오늘의 단어 stand one's ground : ~의 입장을 고수하다 give in : (.. 2022. 2. 10. [Daily] 0209(수) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : Matt, are you still planning to get a dog? M : I'm in two minds about it. W : What are you worried about? M : I'm not sure I'll have enough time to take care of one. W : Hmm... why don't you look after my dog for a week. M : What good will that do? W : It'll give you a chance to test the water. M : That's actually a pretty good idea. 📌 오늘의 단어 in two minds : 갈피를 잡지 못하는, 이러지도 저러지도 못하는.. 2022. 2. 9. [Daily] 0208(화) 📌 오늘의 회화 M : The new City Hall is such an ugly building. W : Yeah, it sticks out like a sore thumb. M : Why didn't they try to make it blend in? W : I really have no idea. M : It ruins the appearance of the city plaza. W : I wish they had gone with a more traditional design. M : I guess the mayor wanted it to seem modern. W : Well, it was a poor decision in the end. 📌 오늘의 단어 stick out like a sor.. 2022. 2. 8. [Daily] 0207(월) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : My work contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on. M : What makes you say that? W : I didn't get a pay raise this year like I expected. M : I thought your company guarntees annual wage increases. W : Yeah, for all full-time staff who have been there for 3 years. M : It stands to reason that you should get a raise then. W : I'm going to talk to my department manager about it. M .. 2022. 2. 7. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 48 다음