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[SQLD] 제 42회 SQLD 시험 후기 취업 준비를 할 당시, 서류상 가점을 받기위해 SQLD 자격증을 취득하고자 했는데,,, 운이 좋게 취업을 먼저하게 되었고, 이후 SQL에 대한 이해와 역량을 높이려는 취지로 SQLD를 공부하여 [42회 SQLD 시험]에 응시 및 합격했습니다!!! 시험준비 과정 준비기간 : 6주(업무와 병행하였기 때문에 약 4주정도..??) 사용한 교재(문제집) : [SQL 자격검정 실전문제](A.K.A 노랭이), [국가공인 SQLD 자격검정 핵심노트] 이외에도 인터넷에 올라와있는 기출문제들을 풀어보았습니다. 준비기간동안 2개의 문제집을 각각 3회 반복하여 풀었습니다.(복습의 중요성! 🤔) 시험준비 SQL에 대한 제 실력을 간단히 말씀드리면, 대학시절 '데이터베이스' 전공수업 수강과 SSAFY에서의 SQL 교육으로 기본적.. 2021. 10. 3.
[Daily] 1003(일) 📌 오늘의 회화 주간 복습 📌 오늘의 단어 bullish : 희망에 찬, 낙관적인 bracket : 괄호() consign : (무엇을 없애기 위해 어디에) 놓다[두다] foreboding : (불길한) 예감 jaw-dropping : 입을 떡 벌리게 만드는 churn out : 잇달아 내다 inherit : 물려받다 2021. 10. 3.
[Daily] 1002(토) 📌 오늘의 회화 M : Emma's birthday is just around the corner. W : Yeah, should we plan something special for her? M : I was thinking we could book a private dining room. W : That's good idea, but where? M : I was hoping you could suggest some restaurants. M : Not off the top of my head. W : Let's disscuss it at lunchtime. W : Sure, I'll meet you in the break room. 📌 오늘의 단어 be just around the corner : .. 2021. 10. 3.
[Daily] 1001(금) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : Colton, how's that TV show you've been watching? M : It's good, but your mileage may vary. W : I noticed it's had mixed reviews. M : Some people might consider it too slow. W : Is it more focused on dialog than action? M : Yeah, and the plot is confusing and non-linear. W : Sounds like a bit of an acquired taste. M : I guess, but give it a try. 📌 오늘의 단어 Your mileage may vary. : 넌 다르.. 2021. 10. 3.
[Daily] 0930(목) 📌 오늘의 회화 M : Gregory argued with another customer this morning. W : His days are numbered here. M : Yeah, our manager is really upset about it. W : Did she discipline him? M : They're having it out in her office right now. W : I wonder if she'll fire hime. M : I don't think she has any choice. W : Well, let's wait and see what happens. 📌 오늘의 단어 one's days are numbered : ~가 얼마 남지 않았다 have it out .. 2021. 9. 30.
[Daily] 0929(수) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : Did you get back safe and sound? M : Yeah, the flight from London was smooth. W : I'm glad to hear that. M : I was really impressed with the airline, actually. W : Are you talking about ABC Airways? M : Yeah, their service is out of this world. W : I've been hearing that a lot lately. M : I'd highly recommend them. 📌 오늘의 단어 safe and sound : 무사히, 아무 탈 없이 chunky : 두툼한 spellbinding : 마.. 2021. 9. 30.
[Daily] 0928(화) 📌 오늘의 회화 M : Is Percy still bragging about his new apartment? W : No, he's singing a different tune now. M : What changed? W : He's had problems with the plumbing and wiring. M : It serves him right. W : Yeah, he was bragging way too much. M : Maybe next time he'll be more humble. W : I guess he will be. 📌 오늘의 단어 sing a different tune : 태도가 바뀌다, 생각이 바뀌다 It serves A right : (A에게) 꼴좋다, 고소하게 됐다 bra.. 2021. 9. 28.
[Daily] 0927(월) 📌 오늘의 회화 W : I'm surprised that Ben still buys CDs. M : Yeah, he's so behind the times. W : Maybe he just prefers them to digital music. M : I can't imagine why, though. W : I guess it makes him happy to have a big collection of CDs. M : Personally, I just see it as a waste of space. W : Different strokes for different folks, I guess. M : I'll definitely stick to digital music. 📌 오늘의 단어 behind t.. 2021. 9. 27.
[Daily] 0926(일) 📌 오늘의 회화 주간 복습 📌 오늘의 단어 gibber : (흔히 공포에 질려) 횡설수설하다 getaway : (특히 범행 후의) 도주 illusion : (특히 사람, 상황에 대한) 오해[착각] rebellious : (규칙, 일반 통념 등에 대해) 반항적인 2021. 9. 26.